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As of December 31, 2019, CEMEX Colombia owned two operating cement plants and two cement grinding mills, having a total installed cement capacity of 4.1 million tons. In 2019, we replaced 11.3% of our total fuel consumed in CEMEX Colombia with alternative fuels, and we had an internal electricity generating capacity of approximately 37 MW as of December 31, 2019. We estimate that, as of December 31, 2019, the limestone and clay permitted proven and probable reserves of our operations in Colombia had an average remaining life of 75 and 185 years, respectively, assuming 2015-2019 average annual cement production levels. The operating licenses for quarries in Colombia are renewed every 30 years; assuming renewal of such licenses, we estimate having sufficient limestone reserves for our operations in Colombia for over 70 years assuming 2015-2019 average annual cement production levels. As of December 31, 2019, CEMEX Colombia also operated 15 land distribution centers, one mortar plant (temporarily inactive), 56 ready-mix concrete plants (21 were temporarily inactive) and 10 aggregates operations (eight were temporarily inactive).
As of December 31, 2019, our operations in Panama through Cemento Bayano operated one cement plant in Panama, with an installed cement capacity of 1.2 million tons. As of that date, Cemento Bayano also operated seven ready-mix concrete plants (one was temporarily inactive), three aggregates quarries (all of which are currently inactive) and four distribution centers (including one location at the cement plant).
As of December 31, 2019, we leased and operated one cement plant and owned one grinding mill with a total installed cement capacity of 0.7 million tons, six ready-mix concrete plants (five were temporarily inactive) and two distribution centers in Nicaragua. Since March 2003, CEMEX Nicaragua has also leased a 100,000 ton milling plant in Managua, which has been used exclusively for pet coke milling.
As of December 31, 2019, CLH indirectly owned 100% of CEMEX Guatemala, our main operating subsidiary in Guatemala. As of December 31, 2019, we owned and operated one cement grinding mill in Guatemala with an installed cement capacity of 0.5 million tons per year. As of that date, we also owned and operated five land distribution centers, one clinker dome close to our leased marine terminal in the southern part of the country and three ready-mix concrete plants (all of which were active).